May 25, 2006

<a href="">giMme giMme always gets... NEW THEME!</a>

In addition to the download changes, live previews and upcoming RapidWeaver 3.5 upgrades currently in process, we have decided to release another theme in the midst of all this turmoil. Why? Because we know what you want and "giMme" always gets. Check this one out, it's fun, young and full of funk for a fresh feel.

Updates for neWser, Shiner and Shadow.

Some nagging issues have been cleaned up in neWser, Shiner and Shadow. The HTML now validates in all three. As well, neWser is now functioning flawlessly in all browsers, Shiner has had a few loose ends tied up and Shadow has had it's menus revamped to align better. I thank you all for your patience with these matters.

We just made it easier to get your seyDoggy themes!

Too many ISP's block the passage of .dmg files and .zip files through email so in an effort to keep the flow going smoothly, you can now download our RapidWeaver themes directly from our site. All that's left is for you to make the purchase and we will send you the password that unlocks your new theme. For more details, please read here.


If there is one request that could not be spoken louder is the need for
! Well at long last we have taken heed to your suggestions. All of our RapidWeaver themes can be
previewed live!
Just look for for the link in each theme write-up .

May 01, 2006

The message is clear, new prices are here!

We have two new and exciting changes in our prices that are sure to please you, our loyal RapidWeaver fans.
  1. Our prices are now in Canadian dollars! (my account grumbled too much this year)
  2. Our base price for all of our RapidWeaver themes is now $7.99 Canadian!