May 07, 2008

Tuo is seeing new horizons

The one and only, the original, first commercially available theme with split navigation is currently on the operating table undergoing some fairly major surgery... yet again. From it's early days in the spotlight as "Duo" it's first major transformation came when the code base was rewritten from scratch to bring the more stable, more feature rich "Tuo".

Soon after that came the major overhaul required to bring Tuo up to RapidWeaver 3.6 compatibility again bringing greater functionality to the already great layout. Now in preparation of the site relaunch, we are taking yet another look at Tuo and what can be done to make it better and more flexible.

So how does variable with, variable header height, FULL color control sound to you? I thought you might like the sound of that. We have started from scratch (for real) and remapped this theme from start to finish. I think you'll like what's in store for this old girl.

Stay tuned.

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