April 01, 2009

We've gone and hired us some help!

It has been a long time coming. We've been in need of help around here for quite some time and we have finally taken that step forward. It's one thing to have a small legion of contract contributors to the seyDesign team like Varsis Studios, Vortex, Med Designs, etc... But when it comes to actually running all the operations around here, from customer support, to press releases, site upkeep, product development and product launch... for that, there is, for the most part, only me.

But today is different. Today I am very proud to announce that Chris Cifonie of DEVi8.design and the designer behind the very popular DEViANT RapidWeaver theme is now an official, part-time employee of seyDoggy. Over time Chris will be taking on the role creative director/webmaster but for now Chris' primary role is to create the beautiful theme styles and the gorgeous demo sites for each product.

There is no question about it, Chris has a killer design style. If there was any doubt, Chris was the guy behind the Med Design Bubblegum styles. We've never received as many positive comments on our theme styles as we did with Bubblegum so clearly Chris has the touch.

We are looking forward to Chris' help in the coming months. This now frees us up to work faster, harder and move forward with newer designs and greater updates. So welcome aboard Chris.

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