June 06, 2007

Introducing Tuo for RW 3.6

We are proud to introduce the most ambitious upgrade to that we have ever attempted. The minds behind seyDesign bring you Tuo for RapidWeaver 3.6, a vastly more flexible, feature rich Tuo than ever imagined before. Some of the highlights include color picker options for the background, page, side navigation box, breadcrumb bars, links, text and more.

We've also reworked how the sidebar background works (previously grey at all times). We've now made it semi transparent so that the sidebar background now adopts a shade of your page color. And what's more, you now have the option to turn the sidebar background off altogether. The breadcrumb backgrounds have also been modified (previously grey at all times). Now you can select any color you wish for the breadcrumb bars.

To learn about these new features and more, visit the .

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